
While nothing can fully stop aging, human growth hormone therapy is a tool to fight the effects of aging both in men and women.

As we age, cellular growth and renewal slow resulting in all sorts of less than desirable effects. Here is everything you need to know about HGH Therapy. See if it’s right for you.

What is HGH therapy?

As we age, the body’s ability to produce human growth hormone decreases. Growing older and other medical conditions can cause a human growth hormone deficiency resulting in negative effects such as loss of muscle mass, lower testosterone, and disrupted sleep patterns.

HGH therapy supplements the body’s supply of human growth hormone under the watchful monitoring and dosage of a licensed medical professional. Each treatment is tailored to an individual’s unique needs. Treatment can be administered via pills, injections, and even sprays.

HGH Therapy Benefits

The benefits of HGH therapy are numerous. From injuries, poor quality sleep, and a declining sex drive, there are many ailments that HGH therapy can help.

Improved Muscle Strength

Just as human growth hormone helps children and adolescents grow, it can increase muscle strength in older adults as well. If you are experiencing changes to your body composition, increasing human growth hormone can restore muscle strength by boosting collagen synthesis.

Expedited Healing

Because human growth hormone activates bone growth, HGH therapy is a treatment for fractures and broken bones. Localized human growth hormone treatment to the affected area can expedite the healing process.

Better Bone Density

For those suffering from osteoporosis as they age, lack of bone density is a major contributing factor. HGH therapy is a viable treatment to improve bone density and prevent future fractures and worsening of the condition.

Restored Sex Drive

Unfortunately, lower testosterone levels can be a side effect of aging and other medical conditions. This could result in lower sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Another HGH therapy benefit is boosting these testosterone levels again, helping to restore confidence.

For females, HGH imbalances occur during different phases of menopause. The side effects of menopause such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings can all be eased with HGH therapy.

Mood Lifter

In a study, the administration of human growth hormone over the course of six months was shown to vastly improve patients’ moods and cognitive abilities. A sharper mind and happier you could be in store with HGH therapy.

Restored Sleep Patterns

If sleep has been consistently disrupted, this can cause a deficiency in human growth hormone. HGH therapy works to correct these human growth hormone levels, allowing for better, restorative sleep patterns.

Is HGH therapy right for you?

The benefits of HGH therapy are numerous, but perhaps you’re wondering if this type of treatment is right for you. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our knowledgeable medical team.

We are the experts in anti-aging treatments. We’d love to help you on your own quest to restore health and youthful vitality.